2 safest sunscreen ingredients
Are you confused about sunscreen ingredients? The 2 safest sunscreen ingredients are recommended by an environmental group.
Toxic ingredients
There’s been a lot in the news recently about the toxic ingredients in not only skin care products like micellar water and others, but also plastics, air fresheners, and even carry out containers. The reason for this is that many of the ingredients that manufacturers use are considered to be toxic because they are considered endocrine disruptors or hormone disruptors. The blunt truth is that there are toxins that poison us and it can cause numerous health problems.

If you suffer from acne, even acne in your 40s, fibroids or unusually heavy bleeding, you may have toxins in your body that are causing these hormone disruptors to mimic your natural hormones. When this happens, you may have an excess of estrogen – or at least that’s what your body thinks and then it causes these problems. Let me ask you this: Do you have your period more than one time per month?

That brings me to sunscreen and the 2 safest sunscreen ingredients…
Sunscreen ingredients
Reading ingredient labels isn’t the most fun thing to do. In fact, it can be quite overwhelming. We don’t know what to look for and sometimes we naively trust companies that they won’t harm us. You should always look out for number one because large companies are in the business of making money so your health or well-being may not be their top priority. YOU have to worry about YOU and that means that we all need to pay attention if we want to stay healthy and look our best.
For sure, there are some sunscreen ingredients you need to avoid. I wrote a whole post on that the other day. You can read it here: 6 sunscreen ingredients to avoid. What I want to focus on today are the 2 safest sunscreen ingredients because it’s much easier to look for these.

The 2 safest sunscreen ingredients
According to the EWG, there are 2 safe sunscreen ingredients, and those are:
- Zinc oxide
- Titanium oxide

The FDA deems these as safe and effective because they won’t seep into our skin, and that suggests it shouldn’t cause hormone problems. So safe because it doesn’t cause health problems and effective because it will keep your skin from the harmful effects of UV rays – including skin cancer and other skin problems like wrinkles or fine lines – especially important if you’re a woman in your 40s!
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