can soy cause menstrual problems
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Can soy cause menstrual problems

Healthy food can be confusing.  Soy is a food that many think of as healthy but can soy cause menstrual problems?  And, should you consume it? Soy as a natural food When we think of soy, we think soybeans and of course, we think it’s a natural food.  It comes from the ground so it…

how do you know if you have a hormone imbalance
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How do you know if you have a hormone imbalance

If you’re struggling with a few health issues that make you feel just a little off, how do you know if you have a hormone imbalance that is causing it? Health issues If you are in your 30’s or 40’s – or maybe even in your 20’s – you may be experiencing some things in…

4 reasons why pooping is good for your skin
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4 Reasons why Pooping is good for your skin

You probably don’t think about poop much but there are actually 4 Reasons why pooping is good for your skin.  Plus, pooping feels great. 4 Reasons why Pooping is good for your skin Pooping is natural and it should happen regularly.  When you poop on a regular basis, you feel good and you look good. …

what is forever chemicals
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What is forever chemicals

What is forever chemicals effect on acne?  Can you really have skin problems with these chemicals?  You may be surprised to know. What is forever chemicals Before we can get into how these forever chemicals effects our skin, I need to first explain what is forever chemicals.  Forever chemicals are harmful to your health and…

natural relief for menstrual cramps
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Natural relief for menstrual cramps

Menstrual cramps can be really painful, I know.  There is natural relief for menstrual cramps that can bring relief.  Watch it work. How menstrual cramps feel I can only speak from my experience but for me, menstrual cramps are awful.  I start getting cramps up to 5 days before my period is about to start. …

try this easy fix for low energy
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Try this easy fix for low energy

Feeling lethargic?  Does it always seem like you don’t have energy to do what you want?  If so, try this easy fix for low energy. Why am I always tired? There are so many reasons why you could be tired all the time.  Sometimes we can pinpoint the reason easily.  Here are just some examples:…

the 3 leafy greens to eat to balance hormones
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The 3 leafy greens to eat to balance hormones

Feeling off balance?  Are your hormones off whack?  Here are the 3 leafy greens to eat to balance hormones to start feeling better. Not feeling normal Women go through a lot.  We have menstrual cycles and that alone is a pain but when your periods aren’t normal, you don’t feel normal.  PMS, moodiness, depression and…

stay away from nectarines
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Stay away from nectarines

It’s August and the perfect season to eat fruit but there is one very good reason to stay away from nectarines if you’re over 40! Nectarine nutrition Why would I be telling you to stay away from nectarines especially with all the vitamins in them?  It’s true, there are benefits to the juicy summer fruits. …

2 safest sunscreen ingredients
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2 safest sunscreen ingredients

Are you confused about sunscreen ingredients?  The 2 safest sunscreen ingredients are recommended by an environmental group. Toxic ingredients There’s been a lot in the news recently about the toxic ingredients in not only skin care products like micellar water and others, but also plastics, air fresheners, and even carry out containers.  The reason for…

Why you shouldn't eat bell peppers
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Why you shouldn’t eat bell peppers

Here is one big reason why you shouldn’t eat bell peppers!  You may love them because they’re sweet and delicious but beware! Bell Peppers Bell peppers are highly nutritious.  They contain the following vitamins and minerals: Vitamin C Potassium Magnesium Vitamin B6 Iron Calcium While we’re on the subject, you also shouldn’t eat hot peppers…