the effects of alcohol on skin

The Effects of Alcohol on Skin

Think that alcohol doesn’t hurt you?  There really are the effects of alcohol on skin and it would be a good idea to limit the amount of alcohol intake. The Effects of Alcohol on Skin There are days that we can all use a glass of wine after a hard day.  The more times you…

Magical New Year

Magical New Year

It’s almost the beginning of the new year, so lets have a Magical New Year filled with love, peace, and hope.  Happy New Year! Reflection At the end of the year or even the start of the new year, I like to reflect and focus on the good things during the year.  I think about…

Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday

Small Business Saturday is today, Saturday, November 25, 2023 so go out there and support your local small businesses.  You’ll be glad you did. Small Business Saturday Today is a day to celebrate and support small businesses in your area.  This year, it falls on November 25 – which is today!  What small local businesses…

National Take a Hike Day

National Take a Hike Day

Tomorrow, November 17, 2023 is National Take a Hike Day so it’s a perfect day to get out and enjoy the clean air, get some exercise, and feel great! National Take a Hike Day Tomorrow is National Take a Hike Day, also known as National Hiking Day so why not go out and hike?  Walking…

pumpkin face mask

Pumpkin Face Mask

The weather is getting drier and that means dry skin.  Try this pumpkin face mask for dry skin, this mask is perfect for fall weather. Autumn Skin Does your skin tend to get dry as the weather cools down?  I know mine does.  Much of the reason is the drier air.  The heat comes on…

October is breast cancer awareness month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month so it’s a good time to take care of yourself. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month it’s a good time to stop and take care of ourselves.  So, Nutt So Ruff would like to remind everyone to do a monthly self exam. …

happy labor day

Happy Labor Day

Happy Labor Day to all!!!!  Have a great Holiday and Be safe!!!  Enjoy the time with family and friends now that summer is just about over. What is Labor Day? Labor Day is always the first Monday in September so this year, Labor Day is on September 4th.  It’s a day Americans designate to celebrate…

Moment of Silence

Moment of Silence

Yesterday, there was an explosion in Bedford at a foundry, near my home.  I’d like to take a moment of silence. Explosion February 20, 2023 Yesterday, there was an explosion at a foundry in Bedford / Oakwood Village.  I actually heard one of the explosions but didn’t know what it was.  It wasn’t until my…

Top 3 shopping tips
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Top 3 shopping tips

It’s hard to know what to buy when you go to the grocery store.  Here are my top 3 shopping tips that will help you to get healthy! Buying healthy What does it mean to buy healthy?  We all know fruits and vegetables are good for us but are we buying the best quality?  Buying…