the skinny on alpha hydroxy acids
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The skinny on Alpha Hydroxy Acids

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (commonly known as AHAs) are well known in acne and skin care products.  Where does it come from?  Here’s the skinny on Alpha Hydroxy Acids. AHA’s You see them as glycolic acid or lactic acid.  But do you know where one of these comes from?  The answer may shock you.  Are you…

Nutt So Ruff Home - Choose the right Nutt So Ruff bar

Choose the right Nutt So Ruff bar

There are so many skin care products.  Understand your skin & you can make better decisions. We can help you choose the right Nutt So Ruff bar! Choose the right Nutt So Ruff bar There are so many skin care products on the market and it can be overwhelming.  Yesterday, we discussed if we should…

6 tips to finding products for acne prone skin
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6 tips to finding products for acne prone skin

Acne is traumatic so here are 6 tips to finding products for acne prone skin.  It can be confusing to understand what type of acne you have and what you should do about it. My story I’ve suffered from acne for years so we really do have too much in common.  It’s important to understand…

June is Acne Awareness Month Acne Strategy How to Acne
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Acne Strategy How to Acne

I got zits ewww!  If you suffer from acne, like I have, we have too much in common and you understand how traumatic it can be.  Here is an acne strategy how to acne. Acne Strategy How to Acne It’s difficult to sift through all the information and to know what products are the best…

6 tips for a deep dark spray tan


Who doesn’t love a sun-kissed tan?  People do love to have a tan.  Here are 6 tips for a deep dark spray tan to get that bronzed look. Sun Damage A suntan does give a nice glow to your skin but the effects of sun damage can’t be ignored.  Opting for a spray tan to…

thick dead skin on feet

Thick Dead Skin on Feet

Do you have thick dead skin on feet?  Many people do and they can be hard to get rid of.  Thick calluses on your feet are unsightly and you can minimize them and possibly, get rid of those unsightly callouses. Friction When there is friction or rubbing on your skin, you are going to get…

Also stop acne from shaving

How to shave to avoid acne

Men:  do you want to learn how to shave to help avoid acne?  Are you always getting acne breakouts due to ingrown hairs?  Learn how to shave properly to stop this from happening! Get the area wet with warm water. Exfoliate gently with your Nutt So Ruff Face Bar. Use a shaving gel or cream….

Face Scrub Bar Natural

Why I started exfoliating

My story with acne starts like so many.  You hit puberty and you get blemishes like most teenagers.  But, I thought when I hit my 20’s and then my 30’s, that it would fade away.  But, it didn’t really happen that way.  I washed and washed and scrubbed and scrubbed some more.  In my teens,…

all skin types oily sensitive dry or normal

All skin types oily sensitive dry or normal

Whatever skin type you have, you should exfoliate – that means all skin types oily sensitive dry or normal.  Answer these questions… Figuring out your skin type If you don’t know your skin type, it’s important to figure that out first.  In fact, knowing your skin type is half the battle.  That’s because all skin…

Flip flop season

Spray tanning preparation tips

Sunless tanning, spray tanning, airbrush tanning…it’s called many things but basically it’s a tan without exposure to the sun and its harmful rays. You’ll find some good information about tanning and some great spray tanning tips.  The ingredient used in spray tanning is DHA which is FDA approved. It’s basically a plant based sugar and…