June is Acne Awareness Month Acne Strategy How to Acne
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Acne Strategy How to Acne

I got zits ewww!  If you suffer from acne, like I have, we have too much in common and you understand how traumatic it can be.  Here is an acne strategy how to acne.

Acne Strategy How to Acne

It’s difficult to sift through all the information and to know what products are the best to use.  I’ve had the same problem, so I’d like to break it down since I’ve already done the research.  If you’ve been wondering on an acne strategy how to acne, you’ve come to the right place to understand all about acne and how to treat it.

June is Acne Awareness Month Acne Strategy How to Acne
Acne strategy How to Acne
Shotprime Studio

First, what does ‘non-comedogenic’ & ‘non-Acnegenic’ mean?

These terms look familiar because they are on many product labels.  But these aren’t approved labels, which means that the FDA hasn’t authorized them.  Still, what are they supposed to mean?

It means that they have the likelihood to form acne such as blackheads (for example – blackheads on your nose), spots or whiteheads.  If a product label says it’s “Non Comedogenic”, it means that there aren’t any ingredients that would contribute to acne.  This is based on their testing.  “Non-Acnegenic” tells us that the product was tested on people willing to try the product out for some time; no pimples or acne resulted.  The problem is that everyone’s skin is different so this is hardly anything to rely on.


But, if you’ve been drawn in by these marketing terms and you tend to get acne or you have sensitive skin, you are well aware that the terms don’t mean anything because you still get blemishes!  And your skin still gets irritated.

Plus, there’s the added frustration that you forked over your hard-earned money on something that was meant to be deceiving because you thought you wouldn’t have to worry about any acne.  Sadly, this is what the manufacturers of these products want you to believe that’s why their marketing department are there – to market these products to those of us looking for a “cure”.  You can read more about Deceiving Product Labels here.  Don’t let these companies steal your hard earned money.

So, you’re back to the beginning – trying to figure out what products to use.  When you find yourself in this situation, I find it helpful to stick to the fundamentals because it really doesn’t need to cost a lot of money to have great skin.

6 Steps to great skin without spending a fortune:

  1. Wash your face with a gentle cleanser no more than 2 times a day.  Do not use harsh cleansers and try to scrub away acne!  You can’t scrub acne away.
  2. Exfoliate according to your skin type
    1. How often should you use an exfoliator / exfoliant?  See the answer hereBuy your Nutt So Ruff Scrub bar today.
  3. Watch what you put into your body.  Although food isn’t directly linked to acne, it’s still better to eat healthy so that your body can heal in a natural way.  If you’re constantly putting chemicals into your body, it will have a hard time removing those toxins.  Make it easy on your body and you will have a much easier time.
  4. Be careful what touches your face.  For example, your hands, your cell phone, other products you are using such as on your hair.  If there is any oil in these, you will have a breakout.
  5. Drink plenty of water to help clear your body of toxins and waste.
  6. Gently experiment to find the things that will work.  If you don’t give yourself time to see what was working, you’ll never really know.

So, there you have it, your Acne Strategy How to Acne – for Clear Skin!

Nutt So Ruff scrub bars
Photo credit: Nutt So Ruff

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