antiaging SPF skin care
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Antiaging SPF skin care

Think you don’t need sunscreen all year round?  Think again because you definitely need antiaging SPF skin care as you turn 30 and beyond. What is UV? Ultraviolet Radiation, or UV, is exactly that:  radiation.  It can cause cancer because of what it does to our skin when it penetrates the layers.  There is UVA…

the most important skin care step
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The most important skin care step

A skin care routine is so essential but what you might be wondering what the most important skin care step is.  I’ll tell you.  Do it to have beautiful skin. Skin Care Routine There are good reasons why a good skin care routine is important.  I’ve talked about 3 good reasons recently.  You can read…

why is sunscreen so important
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Why is sunscreen so important

It’s getting colder out and the sun isn’t as strong as it is in the summer, right?  I’ll tell you why is sunscreen so important, even in winter. Sunscreen We all know that it’s good to wear sunscreen because it can help us to avoid skin cancer.  We also know that UV rays are bad…

using the right sunscreen
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Using the right sunscreen

It’s summer but no matter the season, you need to wear sunscreen.  Are you using the right sunscreen?  How can you tell? Reasons we don’t wear sunscreen We all know that we should wear sunscreen.  From an early age, your parents have probably told you that you should wear sunscreen.  It’s great advice but few…

coral safe sunscreen
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Coral Friendly Sunscreen

School may be back in session but there are still many of us going on vacation so it’s good to know the coral friendly sunscreen options available. Extended summer vacation I know several people that didn’t travel during the summer break with their kids.  Instead, they opted to go on vacation after school started.  For…

are you a lip balm addict

Are you a lip balm addict

Are you a lip balm addict like me?  If you apply lip balms multiple times a day, here are the top lip balms with SPF that you should consider. What is a lip balm addict? You may be wondering what a lip balm addict is.  If you carry your lip balm around with you and…

does sunscreen cause wrinkles
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Does sunscreen cause wrinkles

Does sunscreen cause wrinkles?  We all know we should wear sunscreen for UV protection but how can sunscreen cause wrinkles? Controversial ingredients in sunscreen It’s been hammered into us that we should wear sun protection if we are going to be out in the sun.  There is some controversy, though, about ingredients that could harm,…

2 best sunscreen ingredients
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2 best sunscreen ingredients

Skin care ingredients are confusing but important to pay attention to – that includes sunscreen.  These are the 2 best sunscreen ingredients to look for. Why worry about ingredients? Ingredients in any skin care product are important because they may do more harm than good.  If you suffer from skin issues – including acne, you…

why you can't rely on SPF for anti-aging
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Why you can’t rely on SPF for anti-aging

Sunscreen can help keep your skin youthful but there is one reason why you can’t rely on SPF for anti-aging.  Higher isn’t necessarily better! What is SPF? SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor.  You see different numbers from 15 to 30 and all the way up to 100.  The problem with SPF is that it…

6 ingredients in sunscreen to avoid
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6 Ingredients in Sunscreen to avoid

It’s wise to use sunscreen but here are 6 ingredients in sunscreen to avoid.  These ingredients are harmful and should be avoided. Choosing the right sunscreen We all know that we should be using sunscreen.  Not only does sunscreen help to remove the cancer risk but it also helps us to keep our youthful appearance. …