how does acne affect mental health
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How does acne affect mental health

How does acne affect mental health?  If you suffer from acne or know someone who does, you know that it can take a toll on us mentally. Mental Health Mental health is so important yet it is disregarded by so many people.  Unless you’ve lived through some very depressed times or saw someone go through…

4200 highly hazardous chemicals
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4200 Highly Hazardous Chemicals

Did you know there are 4200 highly hazardous chemicals and they can cause illness, including inflammation like acne and leaky gut. Toxic Substances We’ve all heard of toxic plastics and BPA but it seems overwhelming to think about.  For some of us, we ignore it because it’s too much.  For others, we know a little…

3 ways to get your skin ready for spring
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3 Ways to get your skin ready for Spring

Anxious for warmer weather so you can rock that bikini?  Here are 3 ways to get your skin ready for spring so that you look amazing and feel great… Spring is almost here The weather is starting to get a bit warmer.  That cold chill seems to be fading.  Sure, there is still snow and…

how to wake up without puffy eyes

How to wake up without puffy eyes

Tired of dark circles and want to know how to wake up without puffy eyes?  There are some easy ways to avoid that tired look. Dark circles and puffy eyes You dealt with it before, those dark circles and puffy under eyes that are the tell-tale signs that you haven’t gotten enough, restful sleep.  A…

how to stop skin picking
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How to Stop Skin Picking

Are you a nervous person?  Do you have acne prone skin that is made worse by picking at it?  Here’s how to stop skin picking to look / feel better. Skin Picking and OCD If you tend to be a nervous person, that could mean that you have certain habits that may not serve you. …

how do you know if you have a hormone imbalance
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How do you know if you have a hormone imbalance

If you’re struggling with a few health issues that make you feel just a little off, how do you know if you have a hormone imbalance that is causing it? Health issues If you are in your 30’s or 40’s – or maybe even in your 20’s – you may be experiencing some things in…

an introverts guide to feeling good about yourself

An introverts guide to feeling good about yourself

Are you an introvert that has trouble making friends?  Here is an introverts guide to feeling good about yourself so that you can make friends. Are you an introvert? First let’s answer the question:  ‘Are you an introvert’?  If you’ve ever asked yourself this question, you probably already knew the answer.  Most introverts go through…

skin picking disorder

Skin picking disorder

Do you constantly feel the need to pick at your skin – specifically your pimples or the scabs?  This is called skin picking disorder or more formally, dermatillomania. What is skin picking disorder Dermatillomania, or skin picking disorder, is actually a mental health condition – according to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation.  You basically can’t help…

let's talk about mental health on World Mental Health Day
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World Mental Health Day

It’s World Mental Health Day and that means talking about how we feel.  So, go ahead, feel sad, angry, or jealous but then do this afterwards… World Mental Health Day What is World Mental Health Day?  According to WHO, World Mental Health Day is a day to become aware of our mental health – both…

4 reasons why pooping is good for your skin
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4 Reasons why Pooping is good for your skin

You probably don’t think about poop much but there are actually 4 Reasons why pooping is good for your skin.  Plus, pooping feels great. 4 Reasons why Pooping is good for your skin Pooping is natural and it should happen regularly.  When you poop on a regular basis, you feel good and you look good. …