How does acne affect mental health
How does acne affect mental health? If you suffer from acne or know someone who does, you know that it can take a toll on us mentally.
Mental Health
Mental health is so important yet it is disregarded by so many people. Unless you’ve lived through some very depressed times or saw someone go through it, it can be difficult to understand. If you’re generally happy, your mental health is good. But, if you’re struggling with some things, it can be hard to have a positive outlook on things. When you’re suffering from acne, it can have a more devastating effect. But, how does acne affect mental health?

How does acne affect mental health?
So, how does acne affect mental health? According to the American Academy of Dermatology – the AAD, acne can affect more than just your skin. Not only can you feel depressed and anxious but the image of yourself is very low. When you are depressed, you lack the energy for life. You don’t go out, you don’t socialize with others, and you feel very alone.

If you’re not sure how you’re feeling, the likelihood that you are experiencing a mental health issue is higher. You can take our mental health quiz to help you figure out how you’re feeling.
When you have acne, whether it is on your face or your body (body acne, AKA bacne), it can take a toll on our emotions and our emotional health. We are embarrassed and want to hide from the world. I understand that; I’ve been through that because I suffered from acne and bacne. I didn’t want to wear anything that would show the acne on my chest, shoulders or back. Of course, acne on the face is harder to hide – unless you completely hide from the world. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.
You can feel good about yourself because there are things you can do to look and feel better. Skin care doesn’t have to be expensive. See my beginner’s guide to skincare – because you can have great skin. Be transformed!

If you are someone you know is experiencing a mental health issue, please get help. Here are some resources.
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