Do forever chemicals contribute to acne
Can the chemicals we put on our bodies or touch day to day cause acne? Is that possible? Do forever chemicals contribute to acne?
What are forever chemicals?
So, what are forever chemicals and should you be concerned about them? According to this article, forever chemicals are the chemicals that stay around for a very long time; thus the name ‘forever’. Since those chemicals do not disintegrate, they stick around. And because they are always around, we are continually exposed to these chemicals. That doesn’t sound too good, does it?
When chemicals are used to make things, such as things that make our lives easier, it is possible that they can cause health problems. When it comes to toxic chemicals, the research is a bit scary.

Do forever chemicals contribute to acne?
Forever chemicals are problematic because they get into our cells and stay there for a very long time. They can actually mimic our hormones and when our hormones aren’t in the right balance, it can cause problems. But, do forever chemicals contribute to acne? The short answer is yes.

Think of it this way, each time you are exposed to these ‘forever chemicals’, your body continues to accumulate them in your body. Imagine a glass that is continually replenished each time you touch it. Over time, if you were never to touch the glass again, it would eventually dissipate and there would be less and less. The problem is that it would take a really, really long time before the glass would ever be empty and this would only be assuming you would never touch the glass again.
By continually being exposed, your levels will never decrease. The more of these toxins are in your body, the more havoc it can cause and this includes acne. But, it doesn’t stop there. Other issues it can cause are:
- Fibroids
- Migraines
- Cancer
- Birth defects
So, when answering the question: do forever chemicals contribute to acne, (or many other health problems), the answer is yes. This is the reason why you always have to be diligent about the foods you eat, what they come in, and what your skin touches (whether it be a skin care product or not). Skin care doesn’t have to be expensive when you realize that you can make some changes that can actually save you a lot of money on both products and medical costs.

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