hormonal influences on acne part 3
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Hormonal influences on acne part 3

We’ve been talking about hormonal affects on acne.  In Part 1, we discussed how women are much more affected by hormones.  In Part 2, we talked about how hormones are affected by proteins and the role that enzymes play.  Today, we’ll talk about hormonal influences on acne part 3 so we can tie it all together.

Hormonal influences on acne part 3

It’s time to talk about androgens and stress and how this can affect your skin.  If you have a lot of stress that is unmanaged and you are always breaking out with acne, it’s time to make some changes.

hormonal influences on acne part 3

Androgens and Stress

The making of the androgens can have an impact on the adrenal glands and our ovaries.  Androgens are male hormones and you can read more about them at the Mayo Clinic.  This can contribute to skin issues like acne – one of my favorite topics.  Would be surprise to find out that a very common problem is stress?  Stress is a big one for a lot of issues but there could be other culprits…

Syda Productions

Other culprits

  • Our monthly cycle
  • Birth control or Hormone replacement therapy
  • Hormones in food*

*There has been strong debate on if the hormones in food can cause acne.  This is why I always opt for organic dairy products, whether it be cheese, milk, cottage cheese or yogurt.  And, when I do that, I don’t have an increase in my acne issues.  But, this is a personal choice so make the decision for yourself.  Either stop eating dairy altogether or try the organic option, if your budget allows.

organic grass fed dairy
Alberto Masnovo

Hormonal factors influence your skin

Even small changes in your hormones can cause problems.  It’s possible that your body is just super sensitive to minor fluctuations.  As annoying as this may be, it’s time for us to listen to our bodies and make changes when it’s time.  And, you’ll know when it is – once you start paying attention.

So, that’s it – Hormonal Influences on acne Part 3.  I hope that helps to “clear up” any questions you may have had and can lead you on the road to discovering clearer skin just by making some changes.  Sometimes slight changes are all that are needed.  Either way, once you start making shifts and you start to see improvement, you might be motivated to make even more changes which will help even more!

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