is butylparaben safe

Is Butylparaben safe

There are so many ingredients in skin care and it can be hard to determine which ones are safe to use.  So, is Butylparaben safe for you? What is Butylparaben? Butylparaben is actually a preservative that is used in skin care and it helps to minimize bacteria, which is a good thing.  It also helps…

is BHT safe to use

Is BHT safe to use

Butylated Hydroxytoluene (also known as BHT) is used as a preservative in skin care.  Is BHT safe to use or are there any possible problems? What is BHT BHT, or Butylated hydroxytoluene, is a synthetic chemical that is used in skin care products as well as a food preservative.  What I’m looking at today is…

What is behentrimonium chloride

Behentrimonium chloride

What is Behentrimonium chloride?  Why is it in my skin care products?  And, most importantly, is it OK for me to use?  Let’s find out. What is Behentrimonium chloride? This ingredient comes from canola oil (also known as rapeseed oil).  It can be used in skin care products in the following ways: managing frizzy hair…

Humectants in skin care products
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Humectants in skin care

What is a humectant?  Humectants in skin care can be really beneficial for you, especially for those with dry skin but all skin types can benefit. Humectants in skin care What are humectants?  Humectants bring moisture to the skin.  Certain ingredients can actually draw moisture to your skin, allowing it to get much needed moisture….

Let's take a look at food allergies
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Let’s take a look at food allergies

Are you allergic to anything?  You may not know it but the food you’re eating can contribute to inflammation so let’s take a look at food allergies. What is a food allergy? A food allergy is an allergic reaction, says the Mayo Clinic.  It is something that causes inflammation in the body and this can…

do forever chemicals contribute to acne
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Do forever chemicals contribute to acne

Can the chemicals we put on our bodies or touch day to day cause acne?  Is that possible?  Do forever chemicals contribute to acne? What are forever chemicals? So, what are forever chemicals and should you be concerned about them?  According to this article, forever chemicals are the chemicals that stay around for a…

4200 highly hazardous chemicals
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4200 Highly Hazardous Chemicals

Did you know there are 4200 highly hazardous chemicals and they can cause illness, including inflammation like acne and leaky gut. Toxic Substances We’ve all heard of toxic plastics and BPA but it seems overwhelming to think about.  For some of us, we ignore it because it’s too much.  For others, we know a little…

what happened when I ate sauerkraut
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What happened when I ate sauerkraut

What happened when I ate sauerkraut?  See how I felt and what it did to my skin and figure out if you should eat sauerkraut or not. Sauerkraut for gut health I never really used to be a fan of sauerkraut, especially not the real vinegary kind.  I did eat sauerkraut, but mainly in cooked…

what happened when I ate a cookie
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What happened when I ate a cookie

I am a firm believer in moderation.  When you get away from that, it can have dramatic effects.  See what happened when I ate a cookie. Enjoying life I believe that we should all enjoy life.  Life is too short to be super strict about everything.  Live a little, do things that are fun which…

Link between MSG and headaches
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Link between MSG and headaches

Ever wonder why you get a headache or migraine after you ate something?  There is a link between MSG and headaches.  Find out here. What is MSG? MSG is Monosodium Glutamate.  I’m sure you’ve heard of it.  It’s a food additive and it makes things taste ‘better’.  The problem is that it is a toxic…