4200 Highly Hazardous Chemicals
Did you know there are 4200 highly hazardous chemicals and they can cause illness, including inflammation like acne and leaky gut.
Toxic Substances
We’ve all heard of toxic plastics and BPA but it seems overwhelming to think about. For some of us, we ignore it because it’s too much. For others, we know a little about it and we try to avoid plastic but we don’t necessarily go out of our way to do it. Then, there are others who really make an effort to remove plastic from our homes but it’s hard to remove it completely from our lives.

The simple fact is that plastic is everywhere. According to cnn.com, there are over 16k plastic chemicals and 4200 highly hazardous chemicals. That’s a huge number.
Hazardous chemicals are in all of us
The shocking truth is that hazardous chemicals are so abundant that they are actually in all of us. Only a small proportion of the 16,000 are regulated even though they pose a significant threat to our health and well-being. It’s not only toxic to us but to the environment we live in. It can cause:
- Hormone issues
- Birth defects
- Cancers

This is just to name a few. All of these are scary and if we look at just the hormone disruptors, that can turn into:
- Acne
- Fibroids
- Unusually heavy bleeding
- Leaky gut – yes, leaky gut is real!
- Inflammation
- Anxiety, depression
- Headaches / migraines
4200 Highly Hazardous Chemicals
With 4200 highly hazardous chemicals, it’s no wonder we struggle with our weight, our hormones, and our emotions. Something seemingly unrelated actually has huge implications on our lives. That is why it is so important to be vigilant about what we eat, where we eat, and how we go about life. Until more is done about these chemicals that are harming life and the environment, you need to be very aware about your habits. We can’t control it all but being aware is the first step to doing something to stay healthy, feel great, and look beautiful.

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