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How to be a Sleeping Beauty

Getting your beauty sleep is so important in order for your body to function well during the day.  It’s also important to stay young.  I’ll help you to do it – keep reading to learn how to be a sleeping beauty!

Sleep and health

Why is sleep so important to our health?  You know you should get enough sleep but it’s one of those things that is so elusive.  You go on about your life and have a million things to do every day.  Maybe you have a list of things and by dinner time, you still haven’t crossed off the majority of those items.  So, you stay up (past your bedtime) to try to get as much done as you can.  Of course, this is after you take care of your family, call your parents, and do countless other things that you have to do.  You end up going to bed exhausted but you start thinking about all the things you haven’t finished.  All the worrying about it keeps you up.  Two hours later, maybe you’ll fall asleep.

Not getting enough sleep can cause health problems.  Our brains don’t function well and we can’t make good decisions.  We kind of float through life, barely awake – because we’re so tired.  This lack of sleep makes us groggy and makes us less able to react to things faster.  For example, you may be driving down the road and someone swerves into your lane.  If you’re not alert enough, you may be not able to get out of the way before an accident occurs.  They say that this tired driving is very dangerous to not only yourself but others, as well.

Sleep and Youth

There is another aspect of sleep that we tend to forget about and that’s aging.  When we don’t get enough sleep, our bodies can’t rejuvenate themselves which causes us to age faster than what we’d like.  We start seeing those puffy eyes, dark circles and wrinkles.  We’re so tired that we start drinking more caffeine (which can keep you up if you drink it all day) and maybe more alcohol is consumed (which causes premature aging too).  If you want to keep your youthful appearance longer, you need your beauty sleep.  This is how to be a sleeping beauty…

Sleeping Beauty tips

With life so hectic, we tend to neglect our own self-care.  It doesn’t have to be this way.  Here are my top tips to staying youthful!

  1. Deep breathing – we all know breathing can help anxiety.  When I get anxious – which happens a lot because it’s in my nature – I breathe.  It’s hard for me to do but I do it and it eventually helps to slow my heart rate.  This is how I do it:
    1. Start by breathing in slowly for a count of 4.
    2. Hold your breathe for a count of 7.
    3. Exhale for a count of 8.
    4. Keep doing this until you notice that your heart rate has slowed and you feel less anxious.
  2. Meditate – I have a hard time to sit my butt down!  I used to try to meditate every day.  That didn’t work.  Now, what I do, is pay attention.  I pay attention to how I’m feeling and I’ll know when I’m just doing too much – which means I need to calm myself.  So, the next chance I get, I meditate.  I don’t beat myself up about it – I just notice I need to do it and then make it a priority to do later that day or the next morning.
  3. Sleep meditation – another meditation trick I do is to put on sleep meditation at bedtime.  I will drift off to sleep while meditating – multi-tasking at its finest!  Try it out – it’s so easy because there are so many Sleep meditations on You tube.  Here is one I’ve tried:  Sleep Meditation to calm your overactive mind.
  4. Walk – this one is a huge one for me.  When I take even a 15 minute walk during the day, it helps to clear my head which helps me to get my rest at night.  Try it.
  5. My to-do list.  Each night before I go to bed, I make my list for the next day.  What this does, for me, is to get it out of my head and onto paper – this allows me to not think about it until the next day.  This has to be one of my top favorites to get my beauty sleep.  I strongly encourage it.

Stay young and get some sleep!

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