is BHT safe to use

Is BHT safe to use

Butylated Hydroxytoluene (also known as BHT) is used as a preservative in skin care.  Is BHT safe to use or are there any possible problems?

What is BHT

BHT, or Butylated hydroxytoluene, is a synthetic chemical that is used in skin care products as well as a food preservative.  What I’m looking at today is the BHT used in skin care.  Yes, it can be used to preserve skin care products – that is, make them stable so they can stay fresher for longer.  That also means less spoilage, which is a good thing, right?

Well, not always.  Is BHT safe to use?

is BHT safe to use
Monster Ztudio

Is BHT safe to use?

The biggest problem with BHT and its safety is the amount of the chemical in the product.  At higher concentrations, it’s possible that it can cause cancer.  It can also affect some of your organs, specifically the lungs, kidneys and liver.

According to, they don’t have enough information if it is harmful to use in skin care products.  So, let me ask you…

If there hasn’t been enough testing on this ingredient, is BHT safe to use?  In my opinion, no.  The ingredients in your skin care products may look OK, but look closer at the ingredients.  Read the labels!  You may realize that some may not be safe to use.

safe to use

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