acne scars

Acne scars

Acne can be very damaging to the skin, especially inflammatory acne.  As a sufferer of acne since I was a teenager, I have had to deal with acne scars, especially early on when I didn’t know how to deal with my acne.  Not understanding how to deal with acne caused me to have more scarring.

acne scars

Injury vs. Acne Scars

It is natural for your body to protect your body from injury so it makes sense that a blemish (i.e. injury) can cause scarring.  For example, you can get a blister on your toe when you have ill-fitting shoes.  This happens to protect you.  It’s the same with acne which is your body’s response to the injury.  When this happens, the body makes more collagen to heal the skin and help it from getting hurt again.  This can hurt your self-esteem and you’ll just want to hide from the world.

3 things you can do to be kind to your skin:

  1. Don’t pick
  2. Watch what you put on your skin (such as your cell phone)
  3. Drink plenty of water.

I’m not saying any of these are particularly easy – especially if you nervously pick.  But, start becoming conscious of what you are doing.  That’s a good first step.  Also, drinking water should be an easy task but I know it’s not for everyone.  If you don’t like the taste of water, flavor it with lemon, cucumbers, mint or strawberries.

Proactive for back acne scars

Proactive is a well known brand.  And, there are testimonials from a lot of people.  However, I don’t recommend this for any kind of acne.  I know that back acne and acne scars are embarrassing but these are the reasons I don’t think using this product is a good idea:

  1. It’s expensive – there are much better, less expensive ways to manage your acne
  2. It’s too drying – if your skin gets too dry, it will actually start producing more oil to compensate for the dryness – causing more acne which is the exact opposite of what you want.

There is no erase soap for scars.  But, if you exfoliate, scars can fade when the dead skin cells are removed.  This happens because those dead skin cells get caught in the scar crevices, causing them to look worse.  Once removed, it can look like the scars are fading.  So, exfoliating is a good way to help acne scars.

It’s best to take care of your skin and keep it as healthy as possible.  Few people have “perfect” or “normal” skin.  Do what you can to control your acne blemishes and you’ll feel much better about yourself and your self-esteem.

Plus, there are lots of hot guys with acne scars so don’t worry about it!!!  So, if you’re wondering “do guys mind acne scars” – how can they?  There are plenty of guys with acne scars so if a guy doesn’t like it, move on!

Does tanning help acne scars?

I know you’re hoping the answer is yes but in actuality, tanning does not help acne scars.  Read more about it here:  Does tanning help acne scars?

In case you’re thinking about spray tanning, here are some spray tanning preparation tips.

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