should you exfoliate your armpits

Should you exfoliate your armpits

We exfoliate our faces and our bodies and even our feet but should you exfoliate your armpits?  See how exfoliating your armpits can be helpful.

Why exfoliate at all?

You know I’m a big proponent of exfoliating.  Exfoliating is great for your skin because, after a certain age, your skin doesn’t do it as effectively as it used to.  This is why it is so important to do manual exfoliation on a regular basis.


Benefits of exfoliating

When you exfoliate your skin, it helps to remove dead skin cells.  By removing dead skin cells, you get many benefits but here are the two biggest benefits of exfoliating:

  • If your skin is oily, your pores get clogged with those dead skin cells and this is what causes a lot of acne problems.
  • For those of you that have dry skin, you may have noticed that your skin looks dull.  This is because those same dead skin cells get trapped in those dry crevices.  We don’t want this.
benefits of exfoliating
Wayhome Studio

Should you exfoliate your armpits?

Now, to answer the question, ‘Should you exfoliate your armpits?’.  Why on earth would this be something you want to do.  Well, there is a very good reason.

should you exfoliate your armpits
Wayhome Studio

We sweat and our armpits are where a lot of that sweat comes from.  When we sweat, there’s a lot of bacteria in the armpit area.  By exfoliating our underarms, we remove dead skin cells – just like we do when we exfoliate other parts of our bodies.  By doing this, it helps to remove the odor causing bacteria.  What this means is that we can actually smell better.

Plus, since you’re smelling better, you can use deodorant rather than an antiperspirant.  Hint:  deodorants are better for you.

Other reasons you should exfoliate your armpits

In fact, there are other reasons to exfoliate your underarms.  Anywhere you shave your body hair can have a huge benefit because exfoliating helps give you a better shave.  When you exfoliate, you remove those dead skin cells and help open the pore, giving a better shave.  So, whether you exfoliate your legs or armpits, you will get a better shave in those areas.  Try it and see.

get a better shave by exfoliating your armpits

Note:  please don’t exfoliate your private parts.  The skin there is too sensitive!

How often should you exfoliate your armpits?

It is only necessary to exfoliate your underarms one to two times per week.  If you are a heavy sweater, I would suggest 2 times a week.  But, if you don’t sweat too much normally, you can get away with 1 time per week.

You can use your Nutt So Ruff Body Scrub bar for an effective underarm exfoliation product.  So, when you exfoliate your body, make sure to use it under your arms.

So, now you know the answer to the question:  Do you need to exfoliate your armpits?  The answer may have surprised you but it would be so worth it.

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