acne affects everyone

Acne affects everyone

Acne is something most will experience some time in our lives.  No matter what age it starts, acne affects everyone.  It even affects your self-esteem.

Acne affects everyone

Acne – that dreaded blemish or blemishes on our faces and sometimes our bodies.  When you hit puberty, many kids (teens) end up dealing with it.  Some may have it worse than others but generally, acne starts as soon as puberty starts.  It’s those raging hormones.  If you were lucky enough not to have too terribly acne prone skin in those years, you were one of the lucky ones.

If you’ve now hit adulthood and thought you were home free, unfortunately acne affects everyone at some point.  Sure, there are those lucky people who have managed to avoid the worst of it and that’s great.  Maybe all you had were some blackheads – lucky you.  But, if you suddenly have breakouts that you never thought were possible, like breakouts on your chest, arms, neck or back, it can be devastating.  Acne anywhere on our body is embarrassing and does hurt our self-esteem.

blackheads teenage acne

Maybe you feel ugly and maybe you feel like people are only looking at your blemishes.  Perhaps you feel embarrassed of your appearance and can’t wear clothes that you like to wear such as tank tops.  If you fear that someone will see and therefore, judge you, this is how acne affects everyone.  Whether you have active breakouts or acne scars, it can be embarrassing and can really affect how we see ourselves and how we show ourselves to the outside world.  No matter how bad or even how mild your acne may be, you don’t feel good about how you look.

acne affects everyone

What may be even worse is that, even when you don’t have an active pimple / pimples, you are worried that you will get one.  Let me tell you, stress doesn’t help acne.  Then, all of a sudden, there it is, right in the middle of your forehead or all over your back.  Now, you are worried about what outfit to wear because you don’t want anyone to see the craters on your skin.  Maybe you just bought an outfit you were so looking forward to wearing but now you’re second guessing if you should even go.

skin craters are embarrassing
Henner Damke

Whether you have active breakouts, acne scars, or occasional pimples, acne affects everyone.  It definitely affects how you feel about yourself.  Know you aren’t alone and there are things you can do to help.  Check out our website and blog for a whole host of information you can use to help with skin care to look and feel your best.

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