healing inflammation in the body
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Healing inflammation in the body

Many women, including me, have experienced migraines.  Inflammation is the leading cause of these problems so healing inflammation in the body is important if you want to feel better.

The problem

We often don’t realize the gradual effects our habits have on our bodies.  These habits cause problems we don’t see on the outside but we definitely feel on the inside.

change your habits change your life

Eating habits

There’s no such thing as perfect.  Lives are busy so it is hard to eat well all the time.  The problem is that when we continually make bad food choices, we are setting ourselves up for physical problems, including inflammation or leaky gut which can lead to some of the following symptoms.  How many of these have you had:

  • Migraines
  • PMS
  • menstrual cramps

If you are like me, you might have had all 3.  It’s not fun.  The problem is that when we aren’t feeding our bodies properly by controlling our blood sugar levels, our bodies become inflamed on the inside.  We can’t see this inflammation and we continue to do what we’re doing until it gets so bad that it’s time to see a doctor.  Doctors are great but they tend to deal with the symptom and not the underlying cause.


Exercise habits

Here, again, it’s hard to be consistent.  If you have any kind of a ‘normal’ life, it means that work is crazy and demanding and that you are pre-occupied with family obligations.  It’s hard to know which way is up sometimes so to consistently exercise, well…that’s hard to do!  I get it.  Everything, including work, gets in the way.

stressful life

But this is what causes inflammation throughout the body – the lack of awareness of what our habits are doing to us.  It’s the exact reason healing inflammation in the body is so important.  We aren’t eating well and keeping our blood sugar stable – plus, we aren’t exercising.  If you would rather not take medication for your migraines or your other menstrual symptoms, it’s imperative you start paying attention to your habits and then doing something about them in order to heal inflammation in the body.

My story

I was in the same boat.  (You can read more about my Hormonally challenged journey here.)  It was hard to eat well on a consistent basis because I was too busy with work and other obligations.  Plus, I didn’t realize how bad some of the foods I was eating were for me (I’m talking the processed foods).  Healing inflammation in the body wasn’t something I knew anything about.  It wasn’t a problem until it was a problem.

healing inflammation in the body

I started getting really bad period cramps, very heavy bleeding and debilitating migraines.  It took me on a 2 year journey to figure out what was going on because let me tell you, migraines suck.  I discovered I needed to make some changes in my lifestyle if I wanted to feel better.  I talked with doctors, did loads of research and eventually made some changes that really had an impact.  Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t easy but I am glad I kept with it.  And, that’s how I know you can too!

Steps you can take

Understand how bad endocrine disruptors are.  Detox your liver with these home remedies for liver cleansing.

And, start eating foods that help to detox your liver.  You’ll start to notice the above symptoms will soon disappear and you may even notice a clearer mind and body – including your acne prone skin!  You won’t need expensive products to clear your skin anymore!  Healing inflammation in the body is key if you want to feel better.  Start by eating the right foods and taking time for yourself (whether through meditation / practicing mindfulness, a walk in the park, or doing a hobby).  Want to learn more about me, here is one of my newest hobbies.

One of my hobbies is tab top curtains
Nutt So Ruff hobbies

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