is acne pimples?

Is Acne Pimples?

Acne and pimples can be a complicated topic.  Is Acne pimples?  I will try to break it down for you so that it makes more sense.  This really helped me when I was trying to understand how to manage my acne.

Is Acne Pimples?

In order to figure out the answer to this question:  Is Acne pimples?, you need to understand a few acne terms.  As promised, I will try to break it down for you so that it makes more sense.  You can also read more about the 4 types of acne lesions here.

4 types of acne lesions
Have a nice day

Papules and Postules

First, a papule is a red swollen bump, and you won’t be able to see a head.  If the follicle (that ‘skin’ around the hair roots) opening gets clogged with sebum (i.e., oil), hair, bacteria or dead skin cells, it can get clogged in this area.  Your amazing body will try to get rid of it.  When that happens your body releases something that kills the area around the follicle.  If it’s on the surface, you will see a Postule.  You’ll know this because it is puss filled and can be white, off-white, or yellow.  I know, kind of gross.

Once they pop (either on their own or if you’ve popped it), it could start the healing process and you won’t get another pimple there.  The problem with the healing is if oil or dead skin is left behind.  When this happens, you’ll get another pimple so that is why it’s never recommended to pop your pimples.

You could be introducing more oil, like from your fingers, into the pores.  Or, the dead skin cells get clogged and cause problems.  So, if you notice you get a pimple that just will not go away, this could be why.  It’s very frustrating, especially if you think you “got” the pimple.  And, this is why is always important not to pick or touch your pimples (including popping); otherwise, you can just keep adding to the problem.

Should you pop pimples
Photo credit: pixel-shot

Should you pop pimples?


Cysts are a different story and much more problematic.  They are much larger and further down into the surface of the skin which causes problems.  It can take a really long time to heal each of these.  The more inflamed it is under the skin, it can damage the tissue.  Again, once it pops and all that gunk is still there, everything starts over again.  If it pops underneath the surface, it could lead to scarring.


Some types of acne only go through one phase.  Once the oil gets out, the skin clears it away on its own and you’re done.  But others do turn into full blown acne.  You know the tell-tale sign of a red bump that is acne.

Sometimes you get a blackhead, which is an open pore at the top / opening and it is darker in color.  This isn’t actually dirt as many people think.  Blackheads aren’t as troublesome because they don’t usually turn into the red, swollen acne.  Plus, scarring isn’t usually a problem with blackheads.  But they can stay there for a long time.  I once had a very large blackhead that lasted for years!  Whiteheads, though, are closed and there’s usually a white bump above the surface of the skin.

So is acne pimples?  Yes, they are – there are just different types of acne, and it helps to know your skin type so you can deal with it effectively.

Noninflammatory acne consists of these blackheads, whiteheads or any combination of the two.  For example, blackheads on nose is very common.

Inflammatory acne are the pimples, papules, pustules and cysts.  These are the problematic guys.

is acne pimples?

So, learn about your acne and then YOU can make the best decisions about YOUR skin!  It really helps to know what kind of blemish you have so you know how to manage it.  It will go a long way to controlling your skin issues.

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