easy meditation
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Easy meditation

Having a hard time meditating to help your mind, body and skin?  Try this easy meditation.  It may just help you uncover your beautiful skin.

Why meditate?

Have you ever tried to meditate and got so frustrated that you vowed to never try it again?  For me, for many years, I tried to meditate and I had a really hard time of it.  My mind would just wander and I couldn’t keep still.  All I would think about was how I forgot to do something or something that I should do and need to put on my task list.  It was as if I couldn’t remember or think of these things when I was actively doing things.  Why, when I sat down to meditate, did my mind not shut off?

But, why meditate if it’s that hard?  I’ve known for years that meditating can help calm you.  Since I tend to get anxious easily, I thought it would be a good thing to start to do on a regular basis.  When I heard it can also help your skin by managing stress (including stress acne), I was like:  ‘Sign me up’.  In fact, it’s just one of two ways to jump start your skin care.


easy meditation

Easy Meditation

So, if you’re like me and countless other frustrated ‘wanna be’ meditators, try Free Range Meditation.  This is a term I had heard recently.  It is from the book titled:  MEDITATION FOR FIDGETY SKEPTICS by Dan Harris and Jeff Warren.  Apparently, free range meditation is a term Jeff Warren calls for meditating while you’re doing other things, like walking.  I think it’s a great term.

When I was struggling with my own meditation practice, I found that if I walk while trying to quiet my mind, it worked much better than when I was initially trying to just sit and be quiet while mediating.  Plus, I also tried sewing meditation (actually, insert any hobby you enjoy).  When doing a hobby, you get lost in it.  Isn’t that the same as meditation?  It basically is.  So, eventually I got better at keeping my mind still by doing this free range (easy meditation) meditation.  I just never had a good term for it.

free range meditation
WDnet Studio

So, now you have no excuse for an easy meditation.  Try the free range meditation that Jeff Warren suggests.

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