is chlorine good for acne?
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Is Chlorine Good for Acne?

If you suffer from acne, like I do, you’ll try anything to get rid of it.  Chlorine can dry out skin so it’s only natural to wonder ‘Is Chlorine Good for Acne?’

Is Chlorine Good for Acne?

Acne is embarrassing and makes us self-conscience.  When I started getting acne as a teenager and it carried into adulthood, it affected me.  I spent a lot of time researching how to take care of skin so that I could manage my acne issues and that included how my skin would react to the pool water.  Since chlorine can be drying to your skin, it was only natural for me to think:  ‘Is chlorine good for acne?’ as I am sure you have wondered as well.  Below are some questions and the answers, based on my own experience:

is chlorine good for acne?

First, does swimming clear up acne?

I suffered from acne everywhere – including back acne.  So, swimming with back acne was a real concern for me.  I was embarrassed about it and didn’t want anyone to see my acne.  It seemed like I was the only one with back acne (or “bacne” as it’s sometimes referred to).  I was especially vulnerable to body acne on my upper back, neck, chest and upper arms.  So, I thought that swimming would help clear it up.

Body acne bacne
Photo credit: chanintorn.V

Which brings me to the next question:  Can pool water cause acne?

When swimming in chlorinated water, the chlorine can actually irritate the skin and cause it to dry out.  For people with oily skin, you would think that would be a good thing.  But, in actuality, this isn’t the way to do it.  It’s counterintuitive.  Drying out the skin causes the skin to produce more oil – which is the exact opposite of what we want to do if we’re trying to minimize breakouts.  So, to answer the question:  can chlorine cause acne?  The answer is yes.

can chlorine cause acne

Still, I love being outdoors, especially in the summer and I love to swim.  For me, I found a balance.  I wouldn’t recommend spending all day in the chlorine or the sun.  It’s fine to enjoy your swim but be smart about it.  And of course, make sure you wear sunscreen.  I have a different post about sunscreens for acne prone skin that I recommend you take a look at.  You can read it here:  4 Suggestions to Reduce Acne and It’s Effects.  You want to choose a sunscreen that doesn’t clog your pores.

Lastly, hydrating the skin is important but doing it with chlorinated water isn’t going to help.  One way to help is to drink enough water.  Very simple and easy to do, especially if you like water.  I know some don’t, but you should still try to drink as much water as you can.

Also, there may be another way.  Humidifiers!  Are humidifiers good for acne?  You might be surprised to know that the answer is yes.  When we dry out our skin, such as from swimming, it is helpful to be in humidity.  If you are in an area of the country where the summers are humid, this can help your skin.  If not, a humidifier can be an amazing tool for your skin.  Who knew?!

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