endocrine disruptors in laundry detergent
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Endocrine disruptors in laundry detergent

Endocrine disruptors have been in the news a lot and it’s scary to think about.  If you’re worried about endocrine disruptors in laundry detergent, try making this DIY version.

Wreaking havoc

Our endocrine systems are very sensitive to toxins.   The reason it has become a problem more recently is because of the health concerns that we now know about.  If you’re new to this, fear not because knowledge is power.  The hormone disruptors in skin care are everywhere and as long as we know what to look for, we can make better decisions on what to buy.    One of the problems is endocrine disruptors in laundry detergent – something that touches our skin since the detergent’s residue will stay on the clothing after it is washed.

endocrine disruptors in laundry detergent
Photo credit: ryanking999

DIY Laundry detergent

So, here is the recipe I use to make my own detergent.  It only takes a few minutes to make and it does make my clothes feel very clean.  In fact, you can tell that all the residue is gone and clothes look and feel better.  So, grab your measuring cups and let’s get started to take charge of the endocrine disruptors in laundry detergent!

Photo credit: Cozine

What you’ll need:

  • 1 empty bottle of laundry detergent, washed out
  • 1 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup salt
  • 2 cups of boiling water, boiled in a large pot*
  • 1 cup liquid castile soap (link to where to get castile soap online below)
  • 8 cups of (additional) hot water
  • 6 cups of (additional) warm water

Dr. Woods Baby Castile Soap, 32 oz.


  1. First, pour the 6 cups of warm water into your empty detergent container.
  2. In a mixing bowl (preferably one with a pour spout), mix the castile soap and 8 cups of hot water.
  3. Boil your 2 cups of water in a large pot.  Once it starts to boil, add the one cup of baking soda and the 1/4 salt.  *Make sure to use a larger pot than you think you need because once you add the baking soda, it will fizz.
  4. Add the castile soap mix and the baking soda mix into the detergent container that has the 6 cups of warm water in it.
  5. You’re done!  Shake well before using for each load.

If you’re looking for DIY dryer sheets to complete your laundry care routine, click here.

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