how do I know if my migraine is hormonal
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How do I know if my migraine is hormonal

Getting headaches all the time?  How severe are they?  They could be migraines and hormonal.  How do I know if my migraine is hormonal?

Signs of hormonal headache

Here’s a scenario…

You feel a headache coming on.  Initially it’s a dull ache, that turns into a dull pain and then wham!  Full on headache.  It’s happened to me many times and I often found my self asking a few questions?

  • Is this a migraine or just a regular headache
  • ‘How do I know if my migraine is hormonal’
  • What is the best way to treat a hormonal migraine?
  • How to manage a hormonal migraine?

First, let’s look at the signs of hormonal headache.  According to the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, a hormonal headache is one that starts right before your period or sometime during your menstrual cycle.

how do I know if my migraine is hormonal
Wayhome Studio

How do I know if my migraine is hormonal

Some people experience an aura but not everyone does.  I’ve never had this experience but I do get severe pain – something that starts behind my left eye.  Another sign is sensitivity to light and sounds.  Smells can even bother you.  I’ve even lost my appetite.  All of these are good signals and signs of a hormonal headache.  Add that to the fact that it is around the time of your menstrual cycle, and you most likely have a hormonal migraine and not a regular headache.

Other signs, according to CCF, are:

  • Tender scalp – this has happened to me before but usually I get it after much of the head pain subsides.  This is called a migraine hangover.
  • Blurred vision – yes
  • Lack of energy – yes
  • Vomiting and possibly nausea – I haven’t experienced vomiting with my migraines but a bit of nausea does happen to me.
what is a migraine hangover

One of the biggest problems for me is that I am always optimistic that maybe this one time, it isn’t hormonal.  When you’re in your 40’s and in that perimenopause stage, sometimes your periods are not very consistent so you don’t exactly know when your period is coming.  Still, if your period comes soon after, then you know.  Or, if your period does start and then Bam!  Migraine!

For those of you on birth control or hormone replacement therapy, hormonal migraines could be linked to these.  Talk to your doctor.

How to treat a hormonal migraine

The best way to treat a hormonal migraine is to try to prevent it in the first place.  I can tell you what I’ve done to diminish these in my life…

First, I got off birth control and I opted not to do HRT.  This is not an option for everyone, I get it.  Sometimes there are reasons you decide – between you and your significant other and your doctor – that taking birth control or HRT are the best option.  I respect your decision.

Next, I really watch the foods I eat.  There are foods that can trigger migraines.  For me, it’s:

  • Wine, especially red – if this is you, consider drinking organic wine or sulfite free wine.
  • Deli meats – many processed meats contain nitrates or nitrites.  This also includes hot dogs.  Look for other options without nitrates / nitrites because they are out there.
  • Foods with MSG – many processed and pre-packaged foods contain MSG – look at my list of what to watch out for.
Photo credit: vasanty

Finally, rest.  You may need to take an anti-inflammatory medication (if you can) and then just rest.  An ice pack can help, especially for the throbbing.  Put an eye mask over your eyes and lay in the dark for a couple hours (at a minimum).  Yes, I know we all have busy lives but without the rest, you will only prolong the duration of the hormonal migraine.

Other things that have helped me are managing my stress and anxiety.  I try to stay away from stressful situations – which isn’t always easy so I do also try to meditate regularly.  I’m not perfect at it but it is a conscious choice and sometimes I have to make myself meditate.  I try to be more mindful in life.  Life is short and not being in the present moment is a waste.  Experience life, enjoy it – you only get one.

Now you don’t need to ask yourself anymore ‘how do I know if my migraine is hormonal’ because now you know.  You also know the signs and how to manage a hormonal migraine.  I wish you health in your forties – free from migraines.

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