period twice in one month
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Period twice in one month

Periods are fun, aren’t they?  – was never said by anyone!  Having a period at all is an inconvenience but if you have your period twice in one month, it’s the worst!

What’s going on?

When I hit my 40’s, my body really started to change.  I couldn’t even tell you when it happened exactly but it was definitely in my early 40’s.  I started to notice that I had such heavy bleeding that I couldn’t even leave the house sometimes.  It was awful.  Then, I was constantly saying “I got my period twice this month” – it was even worse.  I didn’t realize that a lot of women go through this.  I really thought I was the only one.  But, if you’re bleeding twice a month, you know how traumatic it is.

having a period twice a month is traumatic

My doctor wanted to put me on birth control.  I was against it.  I had been on the pill before and eventually I decided that it wasn’t for me.  But, it took a long time.  I mean, how convenient is it to not have to worry about getting pregnant.  So, convenient!

period twice in one month

I obviously made my choice because of that convenience but when I started to learn how my body worked and what I was actually doing to it, I made some changes.  Of course, I’m sure my doc didn’t agree with my choice but oh well – it’s my body.  I wanted to take back control of my body and from what I was starting to understand, the birth control pill was NOT a good thing.

Having period twice a month

A normal period should last between 3-7 days.  Having a period that lasts this long means you had the proper amount of estrogen in your uterine lining prior to ovulation.  This is a good thing.  It’s healthy to ovulate despite the doctors and TV advertisements saying that we women no longer need to have a monthly period.  Yes, I’m talking to you if you are taking measures to only have a period 4 times a year.  Make some changes now or be sorry later (hint:  having your period twice in one month).

period twice in one month

If your periods are shorter than 2 days

But, what if you have short periods?  As wonderful and welcoming as this may sound, I’ve learned that this isn’t good either.  That means that you don’t have enough estrogen hormone.  This hormone is essential to our bodies and if we don’t have enough, you know it can’t be good.  Here are some issues you may experience if you have low-estrogen:

  • Painful sex
  • Low interest in sex
  • Unable to focus
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Moody
  • Anxiety
  • Trouble sleeping / staying asleep
  • Sweating at night
sweating at night

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar to you – especially if your periods are very short.  I know you wouldn’t be excited to have a longer period – but knowing something isn’t right has to make you wonder.

Getting Period Twice in one Month

Now, if you’re getting your period twice in one month, that’s obviously not good either.  Anything longer than the 7-day max means that you have too much estrogen and not enough progesterone or there could be other things going on.  Obviously, it’s alarming when you have to deal with a period twice in one month.  How much are you bleeding?

Have I piqued your interest yet?  Do you see some signs of possible issues that may need to be addressed?  If so, you’re a lot like me.   While doctors mean well, sometimes we have to be our own advocate.  Follow me on my journey and I hope it can help you in yours.

Continue tuning in as I go on my adventure to figure out my period and my hormones.

Looking for other period related problem information?  Check out:

Bloating before period

Period shame

Period pimples


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