Diet and Acne
Diet and acne has been a topic of conversation for a long time. One day, you hear diet is related. The next day, you hear that it isn’t related to what you eat. But, even though your oil glands don’t get rid of the fat you eat, it’s the hormones that interact with these glands that do. So, diet and acne are related to some extent. Let’s find out more…
Diet and Acne
When you consume foods that are highly processed or have refined sugars, your body reacts to that by increasing levels of the hormone insulin. Suddenly, things are out of whack with your hormones and the extra male hormones can cause acne issues. It can also cause inflammation issues that can hurt your skin even more. Therefore, it does seem that a high-glycemic diet can be harmful to your body and skin. Turning this around can help you because there could be a sugar and acne connection.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
If you eat foods high in Omega 3 fatty acids, such as nuts, fish, and olive oil, you may notice improvement in your acne issues. Maybe it seems counterintuitive to you to eat fatty, oily food to help with acne – but your body needs this to function properly.
Also, these essential fatty acids are needed for brain development and to help your mood, while also helping inflammation. You may notice the following symptoms if you have a deficiency:
- Dry skin (and thus, wrinkles)
- Irritability
- Always thirsty
Here are conditions associated with this deficiency:
- ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
- Depression
- Dry skin
- Fatigue
- Memory problems
So, for Day 21 of our 30 Day Self Confidence Challenge, I want you to take an inventory of your food habits. Where can you improve? Also, notice if you have any of the symptoms or conditions in the lists above, which is another sign that you need to make some changes.
Ah, Dairy! Dairy has been debated for years. I happen to love milk, especially whole milk. But, many people are allergic to milk and this can cause inflammation. Again, inflammation can lead to acne breakouts. Plus, there can be hormones in milk and the more hormones, the more pimples you may see.
If you’re allergic to dairy, it would benefit your skin to stop drinking / eating any dairy. If you like milk like I do and don’t want to give it up, first try Organic whole milk. After I started using organic whole, I noticed that I didn’t have the same problems. But, if you truly are allergic, you will have to stop drinking that beloved beverage. (Sorry!) But, I suspect that you’ll be fine with it since you’ll notice that your skin will look better.
Get rid of Pimples Fast
Before you spend tons of money on acne medications, start looking in your pantry and notice what you are eating. If you see something that might be irritating your skin, you may want to try an elimination diet to see if your skin clears.
More information on Fast way to get rid of pimples
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