Feeling Disconnected from People
We’re at Day 11 of our 30 Day Confidence Challenge. You’re doing great, so keep it up. Today, I want to talk about disconnection. If you’re feeling disconnected from people, there are things you can do. I tend to be on the quieter side so this has happened to me from time to time. Hopefully, you can learn from some of my experiences to feel more connected.
Feeling Disconnected from Everyone
If you’re an introvert like me, you may spend more time alone than people who are extroverts. As introverts, you’re OK with being alone. In fact, you crave / need alone time. It helps us recharge. But, during times like these (i.e. during a global pandemic), many people – including introverts – can feel disconnected. And, this is when we need to recognize what are needs are. Generally, we enjoy alone time. But, if you’re feeling alone and not in touch with others, it may be time to venture out and get that connection again. The last thing we want is to feel completely alone because that’s not good for anyone’s mental health. We all need some level of human interaction – it just depends on your individual personality for the amount of that interaction that is needed. What personality type are you?
Introverts vs. Extroverts
There is a difference between introverts and extroverts. Introverts need that time by themselves whereas extroverts need to constantly be around other people because that’s what gives them their energy. There is no one particular way that is right or wrong. We’re all different and it’s OK. Usually, though, what I see is it’s the extroverts that don’t understand the personality of the introverts. It’s just different than them and we’ve lived in a world of “extroverts” where that became the norm. But, once the pandemic hit, it almost seemed that the introverted people felt more comfortable and therefore, it was talked about more.
The Danger
The problem introverts may run into is staying too closed off from the world. If you tend to be on the far side of introversion, this may happen to you. Or, if you’ve gone through something traumatic and you don’t feel like anyone understands, this could be another reason you’re feeling disconnected from people. But, it’s not all bad. You’re reading this so you know there’s someone else out there that has gone through what you are right now.
What to do to feel better
It’s harder for introverts to “get ourselves out there”. I get it. The beauty of it is that you don’t have to just start talking to people. Let me explain. I am not one of those people that will just strike up a conversation with someone in the grocery line – that’s the job of our fellow extroverts and that’s OK. For me, I found that just going to the park and enjoying the day – even if by myself – helped me feel better. Do this whenever you feel that loss of connection. You don’t HAVE to talk to anyone unless you want to but getting out in the world (and out of the house) can do huge wonders. Trust me. So, that is your Day 11 of the 30 Day Challenge Self Confidence. Get out there! Do something – go to the park, walk in your neighborhood, even go to the library or grocery store. You can do it!
You are NOT alone! So, During Suicide Prevention Week, get out there!