Leaky brain syndrome
Our digestive system is linked to our brains. If our gut is linked to our brains and if you have problems with your gut, you may have Leaky brain syndrome. Here’s what to watch for.
Vegas nerve function
There is a nerve that goes from the brain to your intestinal system. It helps your nervous system talk to your brain and as well as your gut.

This nerve, called the vegas nerve. It is working when you get nervous before a big presentation or when you get a feeling that doesn’t ‘sit right’. This is the very reason why you should listen to how you’re feeling in your stomach. Doing this can help avoid issues with your brain. Such issues take the form of mental problems like depression or anxiety. Inflammation in one can lead to inflammation in the other which can then lead to leaky brain syndrome.

Leaky brain syndrome – examples to watch for
- Many of us have been through times in our lives when we weren’t eating properly. We don’t always pay attention to how we’re feeling after we eat, but you know those times when your tummy didn’t feel good after eating. If we continue to eat in this way, we can start having problems with leaky gut. This leaky gut can become leaky brain.
- You’re plugging away at the job that you tolerate but then you get a new boss. That boss is a micro-manager and it doesn’t align with the way you work. You ignore the nervous stomach each time you have a performance review, presentation, or even a general meeting that includes your boss. You do this because you think you can handle it and can ‘just work through it’. Soon, your tummy troubles turn into IBS and you have trouble sleeping. You then tell yourself that your lack of sleep is causing your brain fog. Welcome, leaky brain syndrome.
- You are faced with a decision where you are at a crossroads. On one hand, you can stay where you’re at (i.e. in your job, in your home, or in a relationship). It’s ‘safe’ there because you know it and are comfortable with the routine. On the other hand, you aren’t happy with your situation (i.e. your job, or your home, or your relationship – any one of these or it can be a mix). You don’t know what to do. When you make your decision, after days or months or rumination, you get that feeling in your stomach. This feeling doesn’t make you feel good but you press on. Soon, you start having physical symptoms that you never had before yet you ignore them. You start having emotional symptoms. Everything is out of balance and you don’t know what to do.
zinkevych Welcome leaky brain syndrome!
Step by step solutions
Life is so hard. We try to navigate life the best we can and we don’t want to do it wrong. For those of us that are prone to anxiety, it can sometimes keep us stuck. But, I know that you are stronger than you think you are.

When we don’t eat well, we may not feel well but we are too busy to recognize it. If you’ve not been feeling good, take a look at your diet to see where you think you can make changes. I am a big proponent of moderation and I understand that you can’t be 100% all the time. Look at your dietary habits and see where you can make some improvements. Little improvements can make a huge difference.
For me, I know I had low progesterone, so I took steps to eat foods that help improve my levels with foods for low progesterone. And, I started keeping a blood sugar log so that I could see where I needed to make changes. These are just some of the changes I made. What changes can you make in your eating habits?
What about a bad work situation? Sure, our jobs can’t be perfect all the time but when it affects our sleep or our eating habits, it may be time to make some changes. If you dread going in to work – maybe you’re sick to your stomach each day or you cry driving in to work – some decision may need to be made. I know it’s hard but if you’re life is being impacted in this way, a change NEEDS to be made. Start making plans for your exit; you’ll find something better.
Lastly, maybe you’re in a relationship that just isn’t working for you. Perhaps your partner has no idea how you’re feeling and it may be as ‘simple’ as having a conversation. I say simple because maybe you never thought to express your feelings to your partner. This would be the first step. If you’ve already voiced your concerns and you still feel like the relationship isn’t working for you, it may be time to walk away. As heartbreaking as this can be, your happiness and life depend on it. Don’t go through life being unhappy. You ARE stronger than you believe you are and don’t waste your life being unhappy – you deserve happiness!

These are just some examples but if we don’t start listening to how we’re feeling, it can have wider complications, such as a leaky brain. Who wants brain fog anyway? Make small changes toward your goal and see how amazing your life can be!
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