3 reasons why tart cherry juice is good for skin
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3 Reasons why tart cherry juice is good for skin

Every try cherry juice?  Maybe it is too tart but here are 3 reasons why tart cherry juice is good for skin.  It might get you to consume some. Skin Benefits Eating well and exercising will always provide you with some benefits for your skin.  Tart cherry juice is one of those foods that can…

Super Bowl skincare

Super bowl Skincare

If you love watching football, especially the Super Bowl, you probably also love the food that goes with it.  Super bowl skincare is easy. Football I will admit that football isn’t my favorite sport.  I don’t like to watch it but I do like the food that comes with it.  That’s why I’m talking about…

the 3 best vitamins for skin
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The 3 Best Vitamins for Skin

You know we all need vitamins to keep our bodies healthy and working properly.  What about skin?  The 3 best vitamins for skin are below… The 3 Best Vitamins for Skin You may take a multivitamin everyday (or most days) plus a couple other supplements your doctor may have suggested.  For me, I take a…

why is BVO bad for skin

Why is BVO bad for skin

You work hard to have good skin so why is BVO bad for skin?  Before we get to that, we have to understand what BVO is. What is BVO? BVO is the abbreviation for Brominated vegetable oil.  It’s an emulsifier which means that it keeps things from separating, especially in beverages – flavored beverages.  I…

It's Halloween
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It’s Halloween

It’s Tuesday, October 31 and that means it’s Halloween so have some fun, dress up and have some treats.  Yes, it’s OK to have some treats but… It’s Halloween so have fun It’s Halloween so have fun.  It’s a fun holiday for kids especially.  If you have kids, it’s a time to figure out costumes. …

can food allergies cause acne
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Can food allergies cause acne

Acne problems?  If you’re wondering:  can food allergies cause acne, the answer is yes.  Read on for information on managing your acne from food. What causes allergies?  Can food allergies cause acne? Anything from the environment to food can contribute to acne so if you were wondering:  can food allergies cause acne, it is a…

National Nut Day
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National Nut Day

National Nut Day is Sunday, October 22 and Nutt So Ruff is celebrating because it’s not only a great snack but it’s also great for your skin. National Nut Day Yes, Sunday October 22 is National Nut Day and there are so many ways to enjoy nuts on this awesome day.  Here are some of…

4 reasons why pooping is good for your skin
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4 Reasons why Pooping is good for your skin

You probably don’t think about poop much but there are actually 4 Reasons why pooping is good for your skin.  Plus, pooping feels great. 4 Reasons why Pooping is good for your skin Pooping is natural and it should happen regularly.  When you poop on a regular basis, you feel good and you look good. …

detox with celery juice
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Detox with Celery

Celery is great for so many benefits, especially to detox with celery.  If you’re looking for a way to detox easily, here’s why you should try celery. Benefits of celery Celery isn’t one of those vegetables that everyone likes.  It has a sharp flavor and at the same time, doesn’t have any taste.  At least…

5 healthy skin habits
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5 Healthy Skin Habits

Since your skin is the largest organ of your body, you should take care of it.  There are 5 Healthy skin habits I would recommend for you. Your Skin – your largest organ Did you know that your skin is your largest organ?  According to healthline.com, it make up a good part of your overall…